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A Dozen Tools to Unfollow Inactive Twitter Users

People come and people go..

Some people update their Twitter statuses regularly and others not so regularly.. sometimes not at all!

Some people’s last tweet may have been many months ago.. or even years ago.

You would be surprised how many inactive Twitter accounts you are following or that are following you.

There is no point following any inactive Twitter accounts.. so here are a dozen free tools to help clean out the trash.

Just Unfollow

Just Unfollow allows you to unfollow Twitter users who do not follow you.

This is where it all ends.


Manage Twitter is a Twitter Account Management tool.

You can,

  • Clean up and manage who you follow
  • Find out who isn’t following you back
  • Find out which inactive accounts you follow
  • Easily search inside your Twitter stream


MyCleenr is a unique way to sort your friends by their last tweets. It allows you to get rid of all the inactive and useless accounts that you are following!


myTweeple helps you make informed decisions when it comes to following people on Twitter.

With myTweeple you can,

  • Check stats such as their follower/friend ratio
  • Review their latest tweets
  • Check the date of their last tweet
  • Ding this person if you know why they’re a spammer and warn other myTweeple users
  • Take action: follow-back, hide or block new followers


Refollow helps you discover, manage, and protect your Twitter social circle.

With Refollow you can,

  • Manage your Friends and Followers
  • Group by Relationships
  • Sort by Importance
  • Explore Twitter Social Graph
  • Discover Relevant Users
  • Filter Irrelevant Users
  • Batch Follow/Unfollow/Block
  • Crowd Tagging and Comments
  • Lock Relationships


TheUnfollowApp provides personal unfollow recommendations for twitter.


Tweepi is the first and only Twitter Follow Management with stats.

Tweepi provide some tools to allow you to clean up your Twitter account from spammers and deadbeat users, as well as make sure you follow tweeps who deserve to be followed.


Tweetelity lets you mass unfollow those of your friends who are not following you back.

Alert them and KICK them!


TwerpScan is a Twitter contact management site.

You can list and sort your followers and friends, up to 100 at a time. Follow, unfollow or block contacts right on the spot — either one by one, or many at once.

It’s never been so easy to weed out spammers, bots and spambots!


Twitoria tries to reduce Twitter’s clutter by revealing friends you are following that haven’t posted an update in a while.

It can, for example, easily track down those pesky friend spammers that post no content, or people that have abandoned Twitter for another status updating service. Why follow them if they no longer tweet?

Twitter Karma

Twitter Karma fetches your friends and followers from Twitter when you click the “Whack!” button, then displays them for you, letting you quickly paginate through them.

By default, the list contains all your friends and followers and is sorted by last update, showing those who most recently updated first. You can sort the list alphabetically either ascending or descending by Twitter ID.

You can filter the list in several ways: only friends or only followers, all friends or all followers, and mutual friends.


unTweeps allows you to unfollow Twitter users who don’t tweet enough.

You can,

  • Unfollow stale tweeple, trim down
  • Whitelist your favs
  • View your “BLOCKED” list
  • Sign-in with Twitter OAuth

There are many tools out there that do the same or a similar job.

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